
Legacy v2 API

To get API access, contact us at contact@databreach.com

All examples are in JavaScript using the native Fetch API.


Include your key header with the HTTP Header x-api-key.

await fetch(
method: "GET",
headers: { "x-api-key": "xxx" },

Scan PII

Scan private information for data breaches.
Supports up to 20 PII at once for the same user.

const body = {
query: [
{ "field": "email", value: "example@example.com" }, // Email address
{ "field": "ssn", value: "123456789" }, // Social Security Number
{ "field": "gov_id", value: "123456789" }, // Other Government IDs
{ "field": "phone", value: "+15555555555" }, // E164 format
{ "field": "nick", value: "thelegend27" }, // Username
{ "field": "ip", value: "" }, // IPv4 or IPv6
{ "field": "full_name", value: "John Doe" }, // First + Last Name
{ "field": "name_location", value: "15 Central Park W, New York, NY 10023" }, // Home Address (Requires full_name)
{ "field": "driver_id", value: "D1234567" }, // Driver's Licence Number
{ "field": "vehicle_vin", value: "1HGCM82633A123456" }, // Vehicle Identification Number
{ "field": "vehicle_plate", value: "ABC1234" }, // Vehicle License Plate
const res = await fetch(
body: JSON.stringify(body),
method: "POST",
headers: { "x-api-key": "xxx", "Content-Type": "application/json" },
const json = await res.json();
// Unique ID of the breach
id: "twitter.com-2021",
// PII found in the breach
found: [
value: "example@example.com", // PII found
field: "email", // Field Type
label: "Email", // Field Label
fa_icon: "envelope", // Font Awesome Icon
sensitive: true,
}, {
field: "pass",
label: "Password",
fa_icon: "key",
sensitive: true,
// Date the breach was released on the darkweb
breach_date: "2021-01-01",
// Date it was uploaded to databreach.com
upload_date: "2024-12-01",
// User friendly name of the breach
name: "Twitter",
// Total number of rows in the breach
rows: 209595569,
// Summary of the breach
summary: "In early 2023, over 200 million records scraped from Twitter were leaked on a hacking forum. The data was obtained in 2021 by exploiting an API to link email addresses to Twitter profiles, resulting in a dataset with public profile information.",
// haveibeenpwned.com ID
// We DO NOT use HIBP's services,
// we include this ID for comparison and reconciliation purposes
hibp_id: "Twitter200M",
// The SVG icon of the impacted company
icon: "https://databreach.com/sites/twitter.com-2021.svg"

All Breaches

The all-breaches endpoint provides information about every single breach.

const res = await fetch(
method: "GET",
headers: { "x-api-key": "xxx" },
const json = await res.json();
breaches: [
// User friendly name of the breach
name: "Twitter",
// Unique ID of the breach
id: "twitter.com-2021",
// Total number of rows in the breach
rows: 209595569,
// Number of fields in the breach
field_counts: {
email: 209595569,
pass: 209595569,
// haveibeenpwned.com ID
// We DO NOT use HIBP's services,
// we include this ID for comparison and reconciliation purposes
hibp_id: "Twitter200M",
// Date the breach was released on the darkweb
breach_date: "2021-01-01",
// Date it was uploaded to databreach.com
upload_date: "2024-12-01",
// Summary of the breach
summary: "In early 2023, over 200 million records scraped from Twitter were leaked on a hacking forum. The data was obtained in 2021 by exploiting an API to link email addresses to Twitter profiles, resulting in a dataset with public profile information.",
// The SVG icon of the impacted company
icon: "https://databreach.com/sites/twitter.com-2021.svg"
Created and maintained by
For media inquiries, contact us at contact@databreach.com